The Ninja CREAMi Breeze was a compact version of Ninja’s popular ice cream maker: the Ninja CREAMi. Unlike traditional ice cream makers, the Ninja CREAMi and Ninja CREAMi Breeze do not use a churning process to create ice cream; instead they both use a very powerful blade that spins at a high speed to work from the top to the bottom of a pint of frozen solid ingredients.
Released just last year, the Ninja CREAMi Breeze was in and out of stock throughout the summer of 2023, but it hasn’t been back in stock since the Fall. This has lead many to wonder what happened to the Ninja CREAMi Breeze.
Effectively, the Ninja CREAMi Breeze has been discontinued, but there is nothing stopping Ninja from releasing it again in the future.
However, there is speculation that the Ninja CREAMi Breeze may be replaced by a newer model: The Ninja CREAMi Swirl.
What’s fueling this speculation?
Well Ninja quietly registered a trademark for the name “Ninja CREAMi Swirl”. It’s unclear whether this will serve as a successor to the Ninja CREAMi Breeze or introduce an entirely new device designed for making soft-serve ice cream, as implied by the name.
Only time will tell if these rumors hold any truth. If you want to be the first to know when either the Ninja CREAMi Breeze is back in stock, or when the Ninja CREAMi Swirl is released, be sure to sign up for our newsletter below.
Or if you can’t wait, be sure to read our comparison of the Ninja CREAMi models currently available on the market!